Herring run begins in Middleboro 4-1-15
Herring run begins in Middleboro
By Alice Elwell
Wicked Local Middleborough
Enterprise Correspondent
Posted Apr. 1, 2015 at 5:35 PM
MIDDLEBORO – The herring wardens have announced, "Herring are here."
On Wednesday the first herring were spotted at Oliver Mill Park, said David J. Cavanaugh, chairman of the Middleboro/Lakeville Herring Fisheries Commission.
Although the first herring are difficult to see, within a few weeks the fish mass at the ladders on their way to spawn at the Assawompset Pond Complex and Cavanaugh expects at least 600,000 to pass through Middleboro.
The herring are a rite of spring for many Middleboro residents who have an Easter tradition of visiting the Nemasket River to watch the annual migration.