
Public Hearing on American Eel Management

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) is holding a hearing on Tuesday April 23 from 6-8PM at the Bourne Public Library Meeting Room (19 Sandwich Road) to take public comment on a draft addendum to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for the American Eel.

The 2012 Benchmark Stock Assessment found that the American eel population in U.S. waters is depleted.

The ASMFC is considering a suite of possible management options for glass, yellow, and silver eel commercial fisheries, and a bag limit for recreational fisheries. For the glass eel fishery five options are being considered including status quo, closing the fishery in Maine and South Carolina (the only 2 states that allow harvest of glass eels), and setting a quota. Two other options address the accuracy of catch reporting and the capture of small pigmented eels.

The full document titled, "Draft addendum III to the fishery management plan for American Eel for Public Comment" can be viewed at the ASMFC website.

Public comments are being accepted until May 2 and can be made in person at the hearing or sent to the address below.

Kate Taylor
Senior FMP Coordinator
1050 North Highland Street
Suite 200A-N
Arlington, Virginia 22201
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Subject line: American Eel)

Abby Franklin