Wellfleet River Herring Count Workshop - March 22
Wellfleet River Herring Count Workshop
10am March 22,2017
Wellfleet Public Library
Main Street, Wellfleet MA
Did you ever wonder what happens to the river herring larvae in our freshwater ponds? What are the factors that
determine their growth and eventual emigration?
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Joel Llopiz,Dept.of Biology, Woods Hole OceanographicInstitute
The research of the Llopiz lab is generally focused on how fish and fish larvae interact with their environment, particularly what they feed on and how well they are feeding, as well as what environmental factors influence
these two variables.
His presentation is entitled: "Early life stages of river herring from contrasting freshwater environments."
10-‐11 am Presentation by Dr. Llopiz
11-‐11:10am break
11:10 Sign up and short review of protocols for Wellfleet Herring Count Volunteers